23 mayo 2012

Serie:Ejercicios de estilo: The Car Parade.

(Texto original de la revista Sowar)
1.Tono indignado

-Hey, motherfucker, no sabes lo que vi.
Se lo cuento y usted me va a entender.
Iba por la calle, walking you know, y suddenly guacheo algo y me digo to myself: "Joder, what the fucking hell es esto, man?" No puedes creerlo, güei, a bride holds up her hands in joy as she is driven to the church from her house! Look at that bitch! She got it!
Others cars carrying family and friends drive behind the bride's car in a parade while honking their horns.
Believe me, hombre, a circus with the fucking clowns and the fucking noise and the fucking mafia.

-Escucha, cabrón, the groom is usually driven to the church in a separate car, and waits for his bride at the main gate. Most religions follow a similar tradition.

-Ah, ¿sí?, and what? ¿Quieres saber what I did?
Saco mi Smith and Wesson del Especial y a la carrera pero sin ruido cruzo la calle; mi diente de oro iba alumbrando toa la avenida...
And then, paom paom! Me vuelvo crazy, compadre, I hate brides.
Paom, paom, paom, paom!
Y por eso estoy aquí, señoría.

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